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  • I want ... のスレッド詳細

    削除依頼やバグ報告はメールフォームにお願いします。 個人情報,名誉毀損,侵害等について積極的に削除しますので、メールフォームより該当URLをご連絡いただけると助かります

    21/07/22(木)22:28:11 ID:nYo0ni/A nYo0ni/A No.826320089

    I want to show you the most impressive comment today.

    1 21/07/22(木)22:28:35 No.826320262


    2 21/07/22(木)22:28:39 No.826320282


    3 21/07/22(木)22:28:54 No.826320387

    open is…

    4 21/07/22(木)22:29:05 No.826320455

    fack you

    5 21/07/22(木)22:29:31 No.826320665


    6 21/07/22(木)22:29:32 No.826320668


    7 21/07/22(木)22:29:43 No.826320742

    no.Fuck you.

    8 21/07/22(木)22:29:55 No.826320856


    9 21/07/22(木)22:30:02 No.826320919

    cat dasunnu

    10 21/07/22(木)22:31:05 No.826321395

    your fuck is FUCK!!

    11 21/07/22(木)22:31:07 No.826321407


    12 21/07/22(木)22:31:13 No.826321457

    Eigo choto wakaru.

    13 21/07/22(木)22:31:46 No.826321698


    14 21/07/22(木)22:31:53 No.826321753

    >Cincin!? no no no...Chinchin! r u okey?

    15 21/07/22(木)22:31:54 No.826321755

    English know apiiru gross

    16 21/07/22(木)22:32:45 No.826322160

    Konnan tekito nika itemo, Baren yaro

    17 21/07/22(木)22:32:50 No.826322206

    >no no no...Chinchin! r u okey? Chinchin!

    18 21/07/22(木)22:32:51 No.826322229

    I'm understand English liver.

    19 21/07/22(木)22:32:54 No.826322267

    Show me your moves!

    20 21/07/22(木)22:33:11 No.826322408

    Donnna kanji no English?

    21 21/07/22(木)22:33:30 No.826322575

    open is

    22 21/07/22(木)22:33:34 No.826322620

    The next time you say imoge…

    23 21/07/22(木)22:33:42 No.826322695

    我英会話不可 代用中国語会話可能

    24 21/07/22(木)22:33:50 No.826322750

    wtf is going on here

    25 21/07/22(木)22:34:16 No.826322970

    I kininaru original thread. Because thread image has sokosoko amount of soudane...

    26 21/07/22(木)22:34:29 No.826323057

    air read fake chinese

    27 21/07/22(木)22:34:46 No.826323208

    You are so cutie cherry.

    28 21/07/22(木)22:35:00 No.826323348

    i want you i need you

    29 21/07/22(木)22:36:18 No.826324066


    30 21/07/22(木)22:36:45 No.826324286


    31 21/07/22(木)22:36:47 No.826324299

    ya ya ya ya ya

    32 21/07/22(木)22:36:50 No.826324337


    33 21/07/22(木)22:37:05 No.826324481


    34 21/07/22(木)22:37:18 No.826324597

    dododoI'm NOT virgin!!!!!!!!!!11!!1

    35 21/07/22(木)22:37:44 No.826324798

    are you Tokusan?

    36 21/07/22(木)22:38:30 No.826325195

    I like ffm_threesome

    37 21/07/22(木)22:38:38 No.826325251


    38 21/07/22(木)22:38:41 No.826325268

    >are you Tokusan? No.

    39 21/07/22(木)22:39:09 No.826325503

    >>are you Tokusan? >No. You are our toy.

    40 21/07/22(木)22:39:12 No.826325539

    >>are you Tokusan? >No. you are hobby.

    41 21/07/22(木)22:39:52 No.826325886

    >>are you Tokusan? >No. Toy for everyone then.

    42 21/07/22(木)22:39:57 No.826325927

    「」←How do you read this?

    43 21/07/22(木)22:40:18 No.826326102

    >「」←How do you read this? Ghoti

    44 21/07/22(木)22:40:52 No.826326365

    >「」←How do you read this? I call 「」

    45 21/07/22(木)22:41:23 No.826326628

    I was pesu

    46 21/07/22(木)22:41:43 No.826326810

    Are you listening Mr.Pippiniden!?!?!???!?

    47 21/07/22(木)22:41:44 No.826326820

    fu183530.png 逆にアノンの日本語を貼ってみる

    48 21/07/22(木)22:41:45 No.826326828

    >How do you read this? I pronounce it 「」

    49 21/07/22(木)22:42:31 No.826327223


    50 21/07/22(木)22:42:33 No.826327245

    very Ouch!

    51 21/07/22(木)22:42:41 No.826327304

    Life goes on, Anything goes, Coming OOO!!

    52 21/07/22(木)22:42:53 No.826327400

    present day present time

    53 21/07/22(木)22:42:57 No.826327429

    >Are you listening Mr.Pippiniden!?!?!???!? I don't knowwwwwwww!!!!

    54 21/07/22(木)22:43:09 No.826327523

    lol.o゚(^∀^)゚o.。Jeans are too blue!

    55 21/07/22(木)22:43:22 No.826327631

    >present day >present time HAHAHAHAHA

    56 21/07/22(木)22:43:24 No.826327635

    Please give me kunri-ken,kunrinin-san!

    57 21/07/22(木)22:43:28 No.826327665

    sharp sword mountain

    58 21/07/22(木)22:43:42 No.826327742


    59 21/07/22(木)22:43:58 No.826327853

    you are nothing know

    60 21/07/22(木)22:44:17 No.826327991

    >?????… maybe Openis...

    61 21/07/22(木)22:44:33 No.826328128

    Hey Fool, bold, Takuboku Ishikawa...

    62 21/07/22(木)22:45:11 No.826328416


    63 21/07/22(木)22:45:18 No.826328462

    yuki my waifu

    64 21/07/22(木)22:46:15 No.826328904

    Really Majires is a rookie checker lol

    65 21/07/22(木)22:46:22 No.826328955

    Look,You can suck paiotties…

    66 21/07/22(木)22:47:18 No.826329371

    >yuki my waifu :-(

    67 21/07/22(木)22:47:30 No.826329454

    [konachan check] FREE Edition start blue……..OK! check done konachan!

    68 21/07/22(木)22:47:42 No.826329554

    Hanji is turning over...

    69 21/07/22(木)22:47:49 No.826329611

    >yuki my waifu rooftop fuck your tooth

    70 21/07/22(木)22:48:35 No.826329975

    die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata die konata

    71 21/07/22(木)22:49:03 No.826330173

    Just Toshiaki.

    72 21/07/22(木)22:49:14 No.826330260

    Hey! USA! Pleas help we!

    73 21/07/22(木)22:49:30 No.826330379

    O tintin

    74 21/07/22(木)22:49:37 No.826330439

    >Hey >Fool Uh >bold Oh >Takuboku Ishikawa... fuck yoooooooou!!!!!!!

    75 21/07/22(木)22:49:40 No.826330465

    >Just Toshiaki. Not Toshiaki...

    76 21/07/22(木)22:49:52 No.826330571

    Hey Tossy!

    77 21/07/22(木)22:51:02 No.826331091

    If you call me Toshi again...

    78 21/07/22(木)22:51:22 No.826331267

    eigo nante kantandaze!

    79 21/07/22(木)22:51:29 No.826331335

    you say Tossy next...

    80 21/07/22(木)22:51:48 No.826331485

    imoge is so creep

    81 21/07/22(木)22:52:23 No.826331758

    next cole me "toshiaki" piss me

    82 21/07/22(木)22:52:35 No.826331844

    Sugoi atsui.

    83 21/07/22(木)22:52:36 No.826331853

    big sky temple sweetfish :D moe !

    84 21/07/22(木)22:53:07 No.826332118

    don't solo daikuuji

    85 21/07/22(木)22:53:25 No.826332259

    I am just fit in tire!

    86 21/07/22(木)22:53:48 No.826332412

    >sweetfish I can't stop laughing

    87 21/07/22(木)22:53:53 No.826332446


    88 21/07/22(木)22:54:05 No.826332532

    DO NOT piss in the train!

    89 21/07/22(木)22:54:18 No.826332677

    >big >sky >temple >sweetfish >:D >moe >! Stop lonely Daikuji.

    90 21/07/22(木)22:54:26 No.826332743


    91 21/07/22(木)22:55:05 No.826333050

    dương vật…

    92 21/07/22(木)22:55:10 No.826333094


    93 21/07/22(木)22:55:25 No.826333216

    ay homie how u been

    94 21/07/22(木)22:55:29 No.826333255

    i'm wait big oil clock

    95 21/07/22(木)22:56:01 No.826333500

    Timpo Chimpo Twimpo Which is right spell?

    96 21/07/22(木)22:56:05 No.826333521

    >DO NOT piss in the train! You are right ×1

    97 21/07/22(木)22:56:12 No.826333571

    >I want to show you the most impressive comment today. you should do this daily

    98 21/07/22(木)22:56:19 No.826333636

    >DO NOT piss in the train! Huh? It's a personal freedom...

    99 21/07/22(木)22:56:49 No.826333828

    >Timpo >Chimpo >Twimpo >Which is right spell? Openis…

    100 21/07/22(木)22:56:53 No.826333853

    Привет Меня зовут пенис

    101 21/07/22(木)22:57:28 No.826334119


    102 21/07/22(木)22:57:47 No.826334272

    >Timpo >Chimpo >Twimpo >Which is right spell? Oh-Chinchin!

    103 21/07/22(木)22:58:24 No.826334561

    Sorry, he is a syougakusei

    104 21/07/22(木)22:58:32 No.826334603

    Osoko-San running his time...

    105 21/07/22(木)22:59:14 No.826334955

    I'll tell a fiction nu.

    106 21/07/22(木)22:59:35 No.826335102

    My sister doesn't even know herself

    107 21/07/22(木)22:59:46 No.826335187


    108 21/07/22(木)22:59:55 No.826335255

    It's over judge o'clock.

    109 21/07/22(木)22:59:58 No.826335281

    It’s a tragedy yana XD

    110 21/07/22(木)23:00:12 No.826335404


    111 21/07/22(木)23:00:21 No.826335488


    112 21/07/22(木)23:00:30 No.826335561

    Humi nyanko desu-nya!

    113 21/07/22(木)23:00:37 No.826335602

    I’m AIDS! I'm AIDS!

    114 21/07/22(木)23:00:58 No.826335753

    mid plz

    115 21/07/22(木)23:01:05 No.826335807

    >I’m AIDS! >I'm AIDS! Me too.

    116 21/07/22(木)23:01:32 No.826336005

    pregnancy of wakka

    117 21/07/22(木)23:01:49 No.826336148

    >I’m AIDS! >I'm AIDS! גם אני

    118 21/07/22(木)23:01:52 No.826336169

    Kick myg0t

    119 21/07/22(木)23:02:04 No.826336263

    >Hey! USA! >Pleas help we! Working-TOSHIAKI good job!

    120 21/07/22(木)23:02:07 No.826336287

    >Humi nyanko desu-nya! No gross fuck you

    121 21/07/22(木)23:02:38 No.826336521

    You are warrior!

    122 21/07/22(木)23:02:44 No.826336568

    >pregnancy of wakka agree

    123 21/07/22(木)23:02:54 No.826336636

    You’ll have children Wakka-San

    124 21/07/22(木)23:03:24 No.826336838

    >You are warrior! Aohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Aohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

    125 21/07/22(木)23:03:31 No.826336880

    Silence...! and listen carefully... I’m Offpako grand master. Fuck! Suck! It's all in the mind. If you wanna test me, I'm sure you'll find the things I'll teach ya is sure to beat ya but nevertheless you'll get a lesson from teacher now.

    126 21/07/22(木)23:03:34 No.826336902

    Psychokinetic response is successed

    127 21/07/22(木)23:03:45 No.826336979

    CRAAAAAACK!(sound of kitsune udon cracking) After all that old lady is bad...

    128 21/07/22(木)23:03:48 No.826337018

    English comment passing through

    129 21/07/22(木)23:04:08 No.826337174

    >Silence...! and listen carefully... >I’m Offpako grand master. >Fuck! Suck! It's all in the mind. >If you wanna test me, >I'm sure you'll find >the things I'll teach ya >is sure to beat ya >but nevertheless you'll get >a lesson from teacher now. parappa?

    130 21/07/22(木)23:04:18 [อึ] No.826337246


    131 21/07/22(木)23:05:05 No.826337606

    He get putted “Imo-youkan” in his ass

    132 21/07/22(木)23:05:56 No.826337996

    I wanna be bishoujo and i wanna just blowjob

    133 21/07/22(木)23:06:07 No.826338085

    >Silence...! and listen carefully... >I’m Offpako grand master. >Fuck! Suck! It's all in the mind. >If you wanna test me, >I'm sure you'll find >the things I'll teach ya >is sure to beat ya >but nevertheless you'll get >a lesson from teacher now. Offpako cat!

    134 21/07/22(木)23:06:12 No.826338117

    >>>>>>>>Burn >>>>>>>thud >>>>>>You look like Bando-san, don't you? >>>>>Eiji Bando! It's Eiji Bando! >>>>>Not Banto! >>>>Whoever this is, when I was commentating on baseball, I got a complaint from a viewer saying, "You're a celebrity, don't commentate like a big shot!" I'm a professional baseball player. >>>You're a former professional baseball player, aren't you? >>You're the first pitcher to hit a running home run in an All-Star game, aren't you? >It was you, wasn't it? >When you retired, you were ragging on Shigeru Mizuhara, the manager of Chunichi at the time... I don't see that kind of response anywhere.

    135 21/07/22(木)23:06:45 No.826338362

    I wanna ecchi w I wanna ecchi w

    136 21/07/22(木)23:07:07 No.826338521

    It was no good

    137 21/07/22(木)23:07:25 No.826338667


    138 21/07/22(木)23:07:58 No.826338907

    Please! If you have any sense of decency, please delete this thread! And next time, please post about a safe topic that doesn't touch on moral issues. Please understand that there are people who do not enjoy this kind of material.

    139 21/07/22(木)23:08:54 No.826339327

    Today is cool little bitヽ(´ー`)ノ

    140 21/07/22(木)23:09:18 No.826339527

    Yuki-san is my waifu.

    141 21/07/22(木)23:09:23 No.826339560

    Osoko-san late today...

    142 21/07/22(木)23:10:00 No.826339851

    >Yuki-san is my waifu. Rooftop. Front teeth.