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21/07/19(月)08:34:01 No.825053906
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
1 21/07/19(月)08:34:36 No.825053979
2 21/07/19(月)09:57:23 No.825065857
3 21/07/19(月)09:58:28 No.825066007
4 21/07/19(月)10:01:02 No.825066383
うっせーばーか! NCRにもリージョンにも核撃つわ!
5 21/07/19(月)10:13:26 No.825068267
(翻訳が悪いわけじゃなくて原語の時点でアメリカでも「…?」と思われてる) https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/FalloutNewVegasLonesomeRoad Purple Prose: Ulysses' dialogue is full of metaphors, symbolisms, and philosophizing, and he stands out for it because no other character in the game talks like that (or at least, not to the same degree).?