19/02/19(火)13:11:09 …Oh, La... のスレッド詳細
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19/02/19(火)13:11:09 No.570606922
…Oh, Laurence… Master Willem… Somebody, help me… Unshackle me, please, anybody… I've had enough of this dream… The night blocks all sight… Oh, somebody, please…
1 19/02/19(火)13:19:40 No.570608100
2 19/02/19(火)13:21:03 No.570608279
>人形自慰さん ひどい
3 19/02/19(火)13:22:03 No.570608405
4 19/02/19(火)13:26:26 No.570609018
You must accept your death. Be freed from the night…
5 19/02/19(火)13:27:43 No.570609164
6 19/02/19(火)13:28:16 No.570609244
Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt.
7 19/02/19(火)13:37:32 No.570610558