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  • >This i... のスレッド詳細

    削除依頼やバグ報告はメールフォームにお願いします。 個人情報,名誉毀損,侵害等について積極的に削除しますので、メールフォームより該当URLをご連絡いただけると助かります

    19/02/16(土)01:37:44 No.569775728

    >This is one incredibly brutal CCTV video from Russia. A man holding a bouquet of Yellow Chrysanthemums in his hands walks into a wedding and jewelry salon at Butyrskaya Street in Moscow, casually asks the owner behind the counter “Как дела?” (How Are You?) then pulls a gun out and shoots the man in the head at close range, followed by another headshot for good measure. Just for the pleasure to kill. スレ消えちゃったけど引用文間違えたままにしとくのもモヤモヤするし一応載せとくよ!

    1 19/02/16(土)01:39:19 No.569776004


    2 19/02/16(土)01:47:30 No.569777534
