18/06/12(火)22:30:29 キタ━━━━━... のスレッド詳細
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18/06/12(火)22:30:29 No.511328317
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
1 18/06/12(火)22:36:51 No.511330536
2 18/06/12(火)22:38:29 No.511331170
3 18/06/12(火)22:40:22 No.511331843
Now is old...
4 18/06/12(火)22:44:30 No.511333224
なんだっけこれ! 再翻訳だっけ?
5 18/06/12(火)22:44:54 No.511333375
6 18/06/12(火)22:46:36 No.511333970
Taketori Okina is alive
7 18/06/12(火)22:49:48 No.511335031
He gets banboos to mix the ground and mountain.
8 18/06/12(火)22:50:44 No.511335370
MOMO on river, don bura-ko
9 18/06/12(火)22:51:34 No.511335674
He uses it YOROZU.
10 18/06/12(火)23:24:55 No.511346448
URASHIMA helped KAME He ride on KAME to RYUGU castle
11 18/06/12(火)23:29:34 No.511347887
oh...this bamboo is so shiny shiny