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    17/10/03(火)23:29:46 No.457108498


    1 17/10/03(火)23:32:25 No.457109148

    人 愚か ニンゲン オロカモノ

    2 17/10/03(火)23:40:24 No.457111105


    3 17/10/03(火)23:46:13 No.457112615


    4 17/10/03(火)23:51:51 No.457114131

    I want a banana.

    5 17/10/04(水)00:02:09 No.457116665

    I would like to have a bunch of bananas.

    6 17/10/04(水)00:04:14 No.457117145

    >I would like to have a bunch of bananas. Is that so

    7 17/10/04(水)00:04:54 No.457117308

    Would you kindly bring me some bananas?

    8 17/10/04(水)00:07:49 No.457117962

    Would you mind if I'm feeling to eat tons of bananas like a horse?

    9 17/10/04(水)00:12:13 No.457118962

    I would appreciate it if you bring me a piece of banana.

    10 17/10/04(水)00:18:44 No.457120438


    11 17/10/04(水)00:19:38 No.457120593

    I'm hearing the words"Thou Shalt Eat Bananas, Thou Shalt Eat Bananas" out of nowhere.