22/12/02(金)02:33:47 Girl wi... のスレッド詳細
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22/12/02(金)02:33:47 No.999482799
Girl with a Pearl Earring, painted by Vermeer in 1665, might just be the most famous and beloved portrait in the world. But who is the girl? Well, that's the thing. There was no girl, because this isn't a portrait... How? Well... what is a portrait? A portrait is a painting of a named individual; a representation of them in art. Before photography, portraits were how people had their likenesses captured. So what is the Girl with a Pearl Earring, if not a portrait? It's a "tronie". This was a popular art form in 17th century Dutch and Flemish painting in which painters portrayed not a specified person, but a *type* of person (often as a so-called "head"):
1 22/12/02(金)02:36:41 No.999483152
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3 22/12/02(金)02:43:52 No.999483927