22/09/27(火)09:43:04 短いテ... のスレッド詳細
削除依頼やバグ報告は メールフォーム にお願いします。個人情報、名誉毀損、侵害等については積極的に削除しますので、 メールフォーム より該当URLをご連絡いただけると助かります。
22/09/27(火)09:43:04 No.976065812
1 22/09/27(火)09:44:19 No.976066010
Bury all creatures.
2 22/09/27(火)09:45:27 No.976066196
3 22/09/27(火)09:46:12 No.976066319
4 22/09/27(火)09:46:45 No.976066411
End the turn.
5 22/09/27(火)09:47:42 No.976066575
6 22/09/27(火)09:47:48 No.976066590
Discard your hand.
7 22/09/27(火)09:48:59 No.976066773
8 22/09/27(火)09:49:56 No.976066895
9 22/09/27(火)09:50:49 No.976067069
>Discard your hand. サドパク系に対して打つと0ダメで抑えられて強いよね
10 22/09/27(火)09:53:31 No.976067528
11 22/09/27(火)09:53:36 No.976067550
>クリーチャーやプレインズウォーカーやプレイヤーのうち1つを対象とする。稲妻はそれに3点のダメージを与える。 美しくない!
12 <a href="mailto:死儀礼のシャーマン">22/09/27(火)09:54:12</a> [死儀礼のシャーマン] No.976067664
テキスト長いです 解放してください
13 22/09/27(火)09:54:54 No.976067787
>>クリーチャーやプレインズウォーカーやプレイヤーのうち1つを対象とする。稲妻はそれに3点のダメージを与える。 >美しくない! Lightning Bolt deals 3 damage to any target.
14 22/09/27(火)09:55:17 No.976067866
>テキスト長いです >解放してください >テキストが長いと弱いわけではない点含めて好きな格言
15 22/09/27(火)09:55:59 No.976067986
16 22/09/27(火)09:56:29 No.976068065
マジで何で日本語にはany target導入しないんだろう この先もしanyで狙える新しい対象が出来たらまた挙動変わっちゃうじゃん…
17 22/09/27(火)09:56:57 No.976068145
>カードはルールに勝つ でもたまにオリカでこういうの考えたんですけど! って時にルールに勝ててない事ある…
18 22/09/27(火)09:57:49 No.976068279
19 <a href="mailto:相棒料">22/09/27(火)09:58:21</a> [相棒料] No.976068357
>カードはルールに勝つ だがカードもエラッタには負ける!
20 22/09/27(火)10:00:29 No.976068663
Your opponent loses next turn.
21 22/09/27(火)10:02:08 No.976068897
draw two cards.
22 22/09/27(火)10:03:16 No.976069074
Whenever a player plays a spell that counters a spell that has been played or a player plays a spell that comes into play with counters, that player may counter the next spell played or put an additional counter on a permanent that has already been played, but not countered.
23 22/09/27(火)10:04:09 No.976069225
24 22/09/27(火)10:04:27 No.976069266
>でもたまにオリカでこういうの考えたんですけど! >って時にルールに勝ててない事ある… 大抵の場合実現させたい効果に対して書き方が悪いから…
25 <a href="mailto:オムナス">22/09/27(火)10:04:59</a> [オムナス] No.976069342
26 22/09/27(火)10:05:16 No.976069386
27 22/09/27(火)10:06:19 No.976069533
This card's name is Island. Basic is its supertype, land is its card type, and Island is its subtype. A deck may contain any number of basic land cards with the same name. You may play this card during a main phase of your turn while the stack is empty and you have priority. You may not play this card if it is not your turn or if you do not have any land plays remaining. while on the battlefield, this card is a basic Island permanent. Because it has the subtype Island, this permanent has the intrinsic mana ability "T: Add U." This ability can be activated any time you have priority or are prompted to pay mana, but only blue Island is on the battlefield. To activate it, pay its cost, T. (The T symbol denotes tapping a permanent by rotating it 90 degrees. it is then tapped, and it cannot be tapped again until it is untapped.) Once the cost is paid, you add one blue mana , which may then be spend immediately or left unspent for later use.
28 22/09/27(火)10:07:30 No.976069720
>>でもたまにオリカでこういうの考えたんですけど! >>って時にルールに勝ててない事ある… >大抵の場合実現させたい効果に対して書き方が悪いから… アンフィニティのランジェリングは 多分ルール改正しないとどうしようもないな
29 22/09/27(火)10:07:31 No.976069724
30 22/09/27(火)10:13:38 No.976070675
Take an extra turn after this one.
31 22/09/27(火)10:18:45 No.976071450
本当に俺は2ターンキルされてしまうのか? テキスト内容を念のため確認したい
32 22/09/27(火)10:22:36 No.976072011
33 22/09/27(火)10:25:45 No.976072511
34 22/09/27(火)10:31:14 No.976073431
>This card's name is Island. Basic is its supertype, land is its card type, and Island is its subtype. A deck may contain any number of basic land cards with the same name. You may play this card during a main phase of your turn while the stack is empty and you have priority. You may not play this card if it is not your turn or if you do not have any land plays remaining. while on the battlefield, this card is a basic Island permanent. Because it has the subtype Island, this permanent has the intrinsic mana ability "T: Add U." This ability can be activated any time you have priority or are prompted to pay mana, but only blue Island is on the battlefield. To activate it, pay its cost, T. (The T symbol denotes tapping a permanent by rotating it 90 degrees. it is then tapped, and it cannot be tapped again until it is untapped.) Once the cost is paid, you add one blue mana , which may then be spend immediately or left unspent for later use. 禁止候補きたな…