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22/09/20(火)23:56:56 This th... のスレッド詳細

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22/09/20(火)23:56:56 No.973895403

This thread is English only.

1 22/09/20(火)23:59:50 No.973896222


2 22/09/21(水)00:00:19 No.973896372

Mellow out man. We can't talk business with you waving guns in people's faces... Your daughter is safe, Colonel. Now whether she stays that way is up to you. My people got some business with you. And if you want your kid back, then you gotta co-operate, right?

3 22/09/21(水)00:01:15 No.973896728

Do not pee in a train!!!

4 22/09/21(水)00:02:54 No.973897263

>Do not pee in a train!!! Poo too!!!

5 22/09/21(水)00:04:35 No.973897829

There is a man who called No Name.
