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22/08/23(火)16:52:45 what th... のスレッド詳細

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22/08/23(火)16:52:45 No.963919928

what the fuck is this

1 22/08/23(火)16:56:33 No.963920960

This is racoon mario and jizo mario

2 22/08/23(火)16:56:58 No.963921062

>racoon mario What? >jizo mario What?????

3 22/08/23(火)17:00:23 No.963921955

not racoon

4 22/08/23(火)17:02:46 No.963922526


5 22/08/23(火)17:18:07 No.963926822

this is tanuki mario tanuki is the unique animal from japan.

6 22/08/23(火)17:18:42 No.963927007


7 22/08/23(火)17:20:57 No.963927684

you eyesight ZERO.

8 22/08/23(火)17:21:39 No.963927902

>this is tanuki mario >tanuki is the unique animal from japan. no no this is tanooki mario

9 22/08/23(火)17:22:28 No.963928151


10 22/08/23(火)17:24:48 No.963928836

>外人は狸が地蔵に化ける事も知らないのか… 海外だとスタチューマリオだからますますわけがわからない

11 22/08/23(火)17:26:00 No.963929169

tanooki Mario becomes invincible by transforming into a statue of the auspicious Jizo Bosatsu. Jizo Bosatsu is said to be the guardian of travelers and children in Japan.

12 22/08/23(火)17:49:48 No.963936634

>海外だとスタチューマリオだからますますわけがわからない 日本人だってしっぽマリオから意味不明だよ!

13 22/08/23(火)18:06:13 No.963941903

