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    22/06/04(土)23:25:25 No.935068914

    I'm Gian and General Gaki. An invincible man. Nobita and Suneo are not eyes. How about fighting and sports. I'm good at singing. Leave it to me.

    1 22/06/04(土)23:26:07 No.935069246

    >General Gaki. ここすき

    2 22/06/04(土)23:29:18 No.935070964

    >General Gaki. ガキ大将でだめだった

    3 22/06/04(土)23:30:08 No.935071324

    I'm Gian and General Gaki. It is the most popular person in the town. Studying and homework are not eyes. The spirit is gentle and powerful. The face and style are outstanding.

    4 22/06/04(土)23:31:25 No.935071901


    5 22/06/04(土)23:31:27 No.935071915

    I'm Gian and General Gaki. The number one rampage at school. Dora and Dorami are not eyes either. Even if you don't have a 4D pocket, you won't lose at the length of your legs.

    6 22/06/04(土)23:44:54 No.935077802

    I was once duplicated as a beautiful Gian by dropping into a fable like spring from 4 dimension pocket.