>遊戯王... のスレッド詳細
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22/04/27(水)03:40:15 No.921249634
1 22/04/27(水)03:40:38 No.921249659
図に乗るな テキスト確認しろ
2 22/04/27(水)03:40:43 No.921249665
3 22/04/27(水)03:42:50 No.921249783
通常モンスター 星2/地属性/獣族/攻 0/守2100 ラビィはこの切り株がいちばんのお気に入り。いつも登ってまわりをきょろきょろ。 メルフィーの森には個性豊かでかわいい動物たちがいっぱい。 切り株を見つけるとついつい座りたくなっちゃうそこのあなた! さぁ、ラビィといっしょにメルフィーのお友達を探しに行きましょう♪
4 22/04/27(水)03:51:01 No.921250235
5 22/04/27(水)06:37:10 No.921256882
6 22/04/27(水)07:03:13 No.921258745
>テキスト確認お願いします To the military port of the military line that I was worried about. Only 2,000 boats are manufactured here a year, and the uniquely developed, less sticky old rice can make you enjoy the profound feeling that other ports do not have, and it is a gem that has made many people groan. The atmosphere in the harbor is also prestigious and thrilling. The long-sought-after military sword is a word of vinegar ratio, grip adjustment, and modeling, which is a true craftsmanship. According to the owner, "Red vinegar made by EDO-FRONT with a roundness and mellow scent will arrive at the port soon", so I am very much looking forward to the harmony. It was a pity that the surrounding sea area was a little noisy ... With expectations for the future, we will give it 4 stars this time!
7 22/04/27(水)07:04:14 No.921258853
>切り株を見つけるとついつい座りたくなっちゃうそこのあなた! >さぁ、ラビィといっしょにメルフィーのお友達を探しに行きましょう♪ ラビィはプレイヤーを認識してる…?
8 22/04/27(水)07:08:43 No.921259264
通常モンスター 星7/光属性/獣族/攻2500/守1600 メェメェメロディ♪ キャトルメェ~ティメェ~ション! メェ~グちゃんは羊界牧場のプリンセス。 美味しい紙や、大事なお手紙を食べると思わず「うんめェ~♪」って声が出ちゃうんだ!