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22/04/13(水)09:51:21 I voted... のスレッド詳細

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22/04/13(水)09:51:21 No.916395825

I voted for The Runabouts☆ Let's all vote some more! https://ranking.sanrio.co.jp/en/characters/runabouts/

1 22/04/13(水)09:52:23 No.916396020

this is kaobouts fuck off

2 22/04/13(水)09:53:06 No.916396146

face bouts del

3 22/04/13(水)09:53:13 No.916396164


4 22/04/13(水)09:57:45 No.916396980

fu970890.mp4 Go!Go!Runabouts!

5 22/04/13(水)09:59:39 No.916397292

Wow! If you think you've seen something, it's Zarana Bouts! When I was little, this was my purse! nostalgic! Are you doing the Sanrio Character Award now? I couldn't vote last time, so I'm going to participate this time!

6 22/04/13(水)10:00:37 No.916397441


7 22/04/13(水)10:05:58 No.916398361

>Beatcats! Your favorite beatcats have less sluggish play counts, choppy 3DCG, existence not clear even after watching all the public videos, self-introduction videos with less play than the blatantly unplayable official dancing videos, and a lot less play than the official dancing videos with less play than the blatantly unplayable official dancing videos. Zig Ziglar has nearly half of the views behind him. Only You Her, aggressively priced goods, too abruptly I can see that Miao has completely given up on 3D, having steered the ship down the sexy route. Colorful Days, I didn't give up. Mew Mew Vampire. Suddenly begin pagan rituals. Colors are devoured, videos of eating bait are shown as bait, the next small story video eats fans' hearts, pretends to be in costume to fool fans, suddenly delivers a disturbing smell, sudden sound game delivery, if you can't suck the pounding colors, you become a vampire and die, 52nd in popularity vote, voice actor is undisclosed degree of work.

8 22/04/13(水)10:06:39 No.916398481


9 22/04/13(水)10:08:17 No.916398760

It's ok right☆

10 22/04/13(水)10:10:38 No.916399197

Pochacco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will go with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 22/04/13(水)10:11:24 No.916399343

Ween Just Night☆

12 22/04/13(水)10:13:31 No.916399733

FRE-PUN is the only hope of no face

13 22/04/13(水)10:14:01 No.916399812

>No.916398361 ビートキャッツ! あなたの好きなビートキャッツは、再生回数の伸び悩み、3DCGの途切れ、公開動画を全部見てもクリアできない存在、露骨に再生できない公式ダンス動画より再生回数の少ない自己紹介動画、露骨に再生できない公式ダンス動画より再生回数が少ない。Zig Ziglarは半分近くの再生回数が後ろについている。Only You Her、積極的な価格設定商品、唐突すぎる ミャオは完全に3Dを諦めて、セクシー路線に舵を切ったのが分かる。Colorful Days、諦めてはいない。ミュウミュウ・ヴァンパイア。突然の異教徒の儀式開始。 カラーを貪る、餌を食べる動画を流す、次の小ネタ動画でファンの心を食べる、コスプレをしてファンを騙す、突然不穏な匂いを配信、突然音ゲー配信、ドキドキカラーを吸えないと吸血鬼になって死ぬ、人気投票52位、声優は未公開度作品。

14 22/04/13(水)10:16:02 No.916400153

>FRE-PUN is the only hope of no face true

15 22/04/13(水)10:25:45 No.916401820

I will vote Shinkansen.

16 22/04/13(水)10:27:27 No.916402127

English please.

17 22/04/13(水)10:47:54 No.916405826

You voted for Beatcats! ☆ Let's all vote some more!
