22/03/14(月)21:14:22 Good ev... のスレッド詳細
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22/03/14(月)21:14:22 No.906551740
Good evening 「」! How are you?
1 22/03/14(月)21:15:52 No.906552314
2 22/03/14(月)21:16:51 No.906552711
not bad.
3 22/03/14(月)21:16:56 No.906552756
I’m good. How’s your day?
4 22/03/14(月)21:16:57 No.906552763
Im fine chimpo
5 22/03/14(月)21:17:53 No.906553135
Fack you
6 22/03/14(月)21:25:37 No.906556224
Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I can't use English at all.
7 22/03/14(月)21:30:27 No.906558169
>Oh I'm sorry to hear that. >I can't use English at all. Me, too.