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    22/01/07(金)09:31:30 No.884351019

    This is GUNDAM

    1 22/01/07(金)09:32:16 No.884351127

    Devils power

    2 22/01/07(金)09:34:55 No.884351471

    konotoge nane?

    3 22/01/07(金)09:35:53 No.884351596

    >konotoge nane? Zeon's soul

    4 22/01/07(金)09:38:10 No.884351926

    Is this Char Aznable?

    5 22/01/07(金)09:40:30 No.884352258

    Is it the power of Gundam? No! This is my power!!

    6 22/01/07(金)09:41:39 No.884352438


    7 22/01/07(金)09:42:42 No.884352585

    Who Thats GUNDAM?

    8 22/01/07(金)09:44:03 No.884352766

    I saw! At the time of the Neozion Second Rebellion, The light emitted from ν Gundam

    9 22/01/07(金)09:48:35 No.884353384


    10 22/01/07(金)09:57:55 No.884354724

    This my hand has burning redly

    11 22/01/07(金)10:04:08 No.884355598

    woaaaa!!! power of the GUNDAM!!!!!

    12 22/01/07(金)10:04:37 No.884355664


    13 22/01/07(金)10:14:59 No.884357179

    yappa RXF91 dayone

    14 22/01/07(金)10:53:33 No.884363088

    Dark power Gundam