21/12/24(金)09:46:21 No.879441516
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
1 21/12/24(金)09:50:33 No.879442251
You liar… You've been telling me that all along, haven't you, mother? But really you're the one who kept on betraying me! I kept on waiting… and waiting for you when I was 8, 9, 10, and 12 and 13, too! I just kept WAITING! FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FROM YOU!! AND A CHRISTMAS CARD!! And for you to take some time off!! You're giving your son a bullet instead of a christmas present! Is that your plan, huh!?
2 21/12/24(金)09:52:20 No.879442572
3 21/12/24(金)09:52:38 No.879442637
4 21/12/24(金)10:00:02 No.879443878
5 21/12/24(金)10:30:41 No.879448647
海外だと幼児虐待レベルの所業 ネグレクトに近いけど
6 21/12/24(金)11:11:24 No.879455194
>海外だと幼児虐待レベルの所業 >ネグレクトに近いけど 日本でもあまりいい顔をされないと思いますよ「」ョナサンさん
7 21/12/24(金)11:12:49 No.879455420