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    21/11/06(土)13:41:42 No.863832895

    Nice to meet you, gentlemen.

    1 21/11/06(土)13:43:26 No.863833360


    2 21/11/06(土)13:44:03 No.863833539

    Japanese gentlemen stand Up please.

    3 21/11/06(土)13:44:54 No.863833805


    4 21/11/06(土)13:48:35 No.863834826

    Im fine!Thank you!

    5 21/11/06(土)13:50:28 No.863835313

    Give me money.

    6 21/11/06(土)13:51:18 No.863835544

    Speaking well!!!!!

    7 21/11/06(土)13:52:53 No.863835982

    Do it!

    8 21/11/06(土)13:53:33 No.863836136

    You chatty!!

    9 21/11/06(土)13:55:16 No.863836586

    But…it's our job to investigate your organization…

    10 21/11/06(土)13:57:30 No.863837191


    11 21/11/06(土)13:57:30 No.863837194

    >Japanese gentlemen stand Up please. tighten up

    12 21/11/06(土)14:02:46 No.863838594


    13 21/11/06(土)14:03:00 No.863838662

    A combination of Sudanese.Arabic.and Old Irish. Isn't it ridiculous? It's barely even a name! Mafty Navue Erin.

    14 21/11/06(土)14:04:11 No.863838949


    15 21/11/06(土)14:05:13 No.863839237


    16 21/11/06(土)14:05:48 No.863839405


    17 21/11/06(土)14:07:38 No.863839899


    18 21/11/06(土)14:08:09 No.863840047

    What the fuck bitch?

    19 21/11/06(土)14:09:54 No.863840519

    Kill then! FUCKIN' faker!

    20 21/11/06(土)14:10:24 No.863840664

    Do it Mafty!

    21 21/11/06(土)14:12:04 No.863841056

    Blinding lights are fading out from the night~♪

    22 21/11/06(土)14:12:08 No.863841070

    >Do it Mafty! Things will work out!

    23 21/11/06(土)14:12:25 No.863841144

    >hima Right? When I'm focusing on getting money to pay off some bigwig so I can get an Earth residency permit. I can't even think about the day after tomorrow!

    24 21/11/06(土)14:15:42 No.863842075

    Reen Aim! You are nasakenai!

    25 21/11/06(土)14:19:13 No.863843020

    Is it Gungam !?

    26 21/11/06(土)14:23:11 No.863844205


    27 21/11/06(土)14:23:23 No.863844251

    >Reen Aim! You are nasakenai! Kaesu!!!!!

    28 21/11/06(土)14:26:19 No.863845018

    Great speech!!!

    29 21/11/06(土)14:29:12 No.863845831

    Yoku Speaking!

    30 21/11/06(土)14:36:20 No.863847841

    York shovel!

    31 21/11/06(土)14:49:28 No.863851381

    Your English is tadashikunaiyo.