21/10/07(木)10:18:08 >童貞を... のスレッド詳細
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画像ファイル名:1633569488299.jpg 21/10/07(木)10:18:08 No.853641001
1 21/10/07(木)10:19:24 No.853641205
2 21/10/07(木)10:22:23 No.853641682
3 21/10/07(木)10:22:47 No.853641755
4 21/10/07(木)10:23:04 No.853641816
5 21/10/07(木)10:23:08 No.853641834
6 21/10/07(木)10:23:39 No.853641913
7 21/10/07(木)10:29:30 No.853642884
8 21/10/07(木)10:29:56 No.853642949
>お前なんなんだよ! オレはワッカ このビサイド・オーラカの選手兼コーチだ
9 21/10/07(木)10:31:22 No.853643214
>スマブラ参戦出来なかった53 ソラの初戦闘童貞は俺が奪ったんだな~
10 21/10/07(木)10:31:48 No.853643298
俺は待ってる今でもいつまでも おまえのいないこのデスティニーアイランドで
11 21/10/07(木)10:33:32 No.853643630
12 21/10/07(木)10:33:50 No.853643683
13 21/10/07(木)10:34:51 No.853643851
14 21/10/07(木)10:37:10 No.853644275
15 21/10/07(木)10:45:35 No.853645799
16 21/10/07(木)10:46:38 No.853645978
Lovely song:RIKKI Lyrics:Kazunari Nojima Composition:Nobuo Uematsu The words that the wind brought, the heart that swam, the voice that bounced in the tomorrow that the clouds will carry It's been a while since I've seen your face, but I knew exactly how I felt, and it wasn't a lie. You've become much more handsome than before, haven't you? You've got a kid and you look happy, but you haven't forgotten about me, have you? If you want me, I'll give you plenty... any time you want. I miss your ass, too. Go ahead and spoil me like you did before. Be honest. You cried, "I can't do this anymore, man to man." The last night I held you against my chest and stroked your head. When I first heard that you were going to be a father, I was surprised. I tried to forget you. I fucked a lot of guys for no reason. But you were always the best. Your ass, your dick, your hairy body, and your cute smile, they're all mine... now and forever. I'll always be waiting... in this room without you.
17 21/10/07(木)10:47:25 No.853646102
18 21/10/07(木)10:48:02 No.853646202
>kimo. oi!
19 21/10/07(木)10:48:48 No.853646328
>The words that the wind brought, the heart that swam, the voice that bounced in the tomorrow that the clouds will carry >It's been a while since I've seen your face, but I knew exactly how I felt, and it wasn't a lie. >You've become much more handsome than before, haven't you? >You've got a kid and you look happy, but you haven't forgotten about me, have you? >If you want me, I'll give you plenty... any time you want. I miss your ass, too. >Go ahead and spoil me like you did before. Be honest. >You cried, "I can't do this anymore, man to man." >The last night I held you against my chest and stroked your head. >When I first heard that you were going to be a father, I was surprised. >I tried to forget you. I fucked a lot of guys for no reason. >But you were always the best. >Your ass, your dick, your hairy body, and your cute smile, they're all mine... now and forever. >I'll always be waiting... in this room without you Liver
20 21/10/07(木)10:49:28 No.853646451
素敵な曲:RIKKI 作詞:野島一成 作曲:植松伸夫 風が運んできた言葉、泳いだ心、雲が運ぶ明日に弾んだ声 君の顔を見るのは久しぶりだったけど、自分の気持ちはちゃんとわかっていたし、それは嘘ではなかった。 君は前よりずっとハンサムになったね。 子供もできて幸せそうだけど、僕のことは忘れてないよね? 私を必要としているのなら、たっぷりと...いつでも差し上げますよ。俺もお前のケツが恋しいよ。 前みたいに私に甘えてきてね。素直になれよ。 あなたは "もう男同士では無理だ "と泣いていた。 最後の夜、僕は君を胸に抱き、頭を撫でた。 あなたが父親になると最初に聞いたとき、私は驚きました。 私はあなたを忘れようとしました。意味もなくたくさんの男とやった。 でも、君はいつも最高だった。 君のお尻も、チンポも、毛深い体も、かわいい笑顔も、全部僕のものだよ......今も、これからも。 私はいつも待っています...あなたのいないこの部屋で。
21 21/10/07(木)10:51:00 No.853646704
22 21/10/07(木)11:20:44 No.853651918
>https://youtu.be/_B4hqGp-IxY 発表から数時間でこれを作るの、 おかしすぎだろ!
23 21/10/07(木)11:22:43 No.853652265
>>https://youtu.be/_B4hqGp-IxY >発表から数時間でこれを作るの、 >おかしすぎだろ! ただ1人参戦を信じていた男 エボンジュ
24 21/10/07(木)11:25:18 No.853652737
suteki da ne
25 21/10/07(木)11:38:06 No.853655177