21/10/05(火)01:51:02 こんば... のスレッド詳細
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21/10/05(火)01:51:02 No.852955261
こんばんは。明日から使える歌舞伎ミニ英会話のお時間です。 What's that?(あれはなんですか?) That's minced meat.(あれはぴるす君です) ご視聴ありがとうございました。さようなら、良い夢を。
1 21/10/05(火)01:52:34 No.852955570
That was pirusu.
2 21/10/05(火)01:54:50 No.852955984
Nothing is pirusu.
3 21/10/05(火)01:55:25 No.852956095
What's Pirusu?
4 21/10/05(火)01:58:52 No.852956740
5 21/10/05(火)02:00:48 No.852957096
6 21/10/05(火)02:03:00 No.852957518
meat you.(お前もぴるすだ)
7 21/10/05(火)02:05:19 No.852957995
Pee lose
8 21/10/05(火)02:05:38 No.852958049
nice to meat you.
9 21/10/05(火)02:06:48 No.852958284
Mr. Pipinden! Mr. Pornstar! Mr. Pink! >:( He's dead...
10 21/10/05(火)02:06:55 No.852958309
明日から使え!パルメザンチーズ君向けミニ英会話 Please kill me.(こんにちは) Please kill me cruelly.(管理権をください) I want to die.(やめてください)
11 21/10/05(火)02:07:58 No.852958521
>nice to meat you. 英→日「gff…prskn…」
12 21/10/05(火)02:08:47 No.852958643
Is it related to Kabuki ...
13 21/10/05(火)02:12:39 No.852959270
Pirusu has been turned into meat by the power of kabuki! Kabuki power!
14 21/10/05(火)02:12:48 No.852959298
15 21/10/05(火)02:13:42 No.852959479
pirusu「KO」 Kabuki-Man「OK」
16 21/10/05(火)02:15:43 No.852959832
Maroko!pour “Taka-Tea” to him!
17 21/10/05(火)02:24:24 No.852961215
Yhoooh! Act six-axis!
18 21/10/05(火)02:33:13 No.852962460
Down shooooooooooot!
19 21/10/05(火)02:34:22 No.852962611
20 21/10/05(火)02:54:42 No.852964711
21 21/10/05(火)03:30:55 No.852967654
BLAM!(The sound of shooting) TELLING!(The sound of the cartridge case)
22 21/10/05(火)04:25:23 No.852970858
23 21/10/05(火)04:35:23 No.852971296