虹裏img歴史資料館 - imgの文化を学ぶ


I wante... のスレッド詳細

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21/09/03(金)21:12:13 No.842233112

I wanted to believe your story But the voices around me strongly bully and desire I betrayed the resulting production and ran away (don't run away) To end before leading the end of a shining story Whose fault is it? If the opinions of others We'll kill that opinion! I can't escape from the stories that became bad boys Repent of your ignorant heart!

1 21/09/03(金)21:13:06 No.842233523


2 21/09/03(金)21:15:19 No.842234582

>なんて? I wanted to believe your story But the voices around me strongly bully and desire I betrayed the resulting production and ran away (don't run away) To end before leading the end of a shining story Whose fault is it? If the opinions of others We'll kill that opinion! I can't escape from the stories that became bad boys Repent of your ignorant heart!

3 21/09/03(金)21:17:55 No.842235879


4 21/09/03(金)21:18:27 No.842236123


5 21/09/03(金)21:19:54 No.842236731

私はあなたの話を信じたかった しかし、私の周りの声は強くいじめと欲望 結果の作品を裏切って逃げました(逃げないでください) 輝く物語の終わりを導く前に終わるために 誰のせいですか? 他人の意見なら 私たちはその意見を殺します! バッドボーイズになった話から逃げられない あなたの無知な心を悔い改めなさい!

6 21/09/03(金)21:20:50 No.842237156

open is …

7 21/09/03(金)21:24:06 No.842238671
