虹裏img歴史資料館 - imgの文化を学ぶ


20/12/22(火)17:11:57 Hi 「」. ... のスレッド詳細

削除依頼やバグ報告は メールフォーム にお願いします。個人情報、名誉毀損、侵害等については積極的に削除しますので、 メールフォーム より該当URLをご連絡いただけると助かります。

20/12/22(火)17:11:57 No.757627298

Hi 「」. I'm japanese student. I want to tell you what img is like. Let's talk about the future of img with me.

1 20/12/22(火)17:12:25 No.757627399


2 20/12/22(火)17:12:57 No.757627512

I want to sex.

3 20/12/22(火)17:14:08 No.757627771

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

4 20/12/22(火)17:14:25 No.757627825


5 20/12/22(火)17:15:12 No.757627984

>1608624848655.png Umaji.

6 20/12/22(火)17:15:15 No.757627999


7 20/12/22(火)17:15:24 No.757628038

In my opinion, Img is the most fuckin SNS. Img should be destroyed.

8 20/12/22(火)17:15:33 No.757628071

Img is going to die tomorrow... :)

9 20/12/22(火)17:15:53 No.757628131

Open is...

10 20/12/22(火)17:16:03 No.757628165


11 20/12/22(火)17:16:45 No.757628336

ms ao n y

12 20/12/22(火)17:17:24 No.757628482


13 20/12/22(火)17:21:39 No.757629408

I can not speak in English well beacuse I dislike English. I want to speak in Japanese. OK?

14 20/12/22(火)17:22:40 No.757629622

ticking Han o'clock...

15 20/12/22(火)17:23:42 No.757629857

repeat after me penis

16 20/12/22(火)17:23:51 No.757629895

>ticking Han o'clock... Oh,Is this the custom of img?

17 20/12/22(火)17:24:05 No.757629953

>repeat after me >penis penis

18 20/12/22(火)17:24:40 No.757630075

Tsubo is real evil.

19 20/12/22(火)17:25:37 No.757630282

>Tsubo is real evil. Img too

20 20/12/22(火)17:27:15 No.757630629

>>Tsubo is real evil. >Img too oh miss spell imoge

21 20/12/22(火)17:30:03 No.757631314

>oh miss spell >imoge Could you see this url? It is writed 'img.2chan'. This is 'img' and '2ch'.

22 20/12/22(火)17:30:32 No.757631421


23 20/12/22(火)17:30:47 No.757631495

I like the Umami.

24 20/12/22(火)17:31:22 No.757631627

>come━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

25 20/12/22(火)17:32:45 No.757631926

150 GOTO 10

26 20/12/22(火)17:33:27 No.757632058

niko death man but I have a video here

27 20/12/22(火)17:35:23 No.757632473

o a s s

28 20/12/22(火)17:36:53 No.757632793

Do not quote come━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

29 20/12/22(火)17:40:33 No.757633623

vantel in

30 20/12/22(火)17:41:58 No.757633953

ワタシ エイゴ シャベレル

31 20/12/22(火)17:43:47 No.757634395

Pirsu-?kun,?who came often?, sit down.?What,?I didn't call you to scold you?today?, Takako,?give?him mellow?tea?.?So the story is Danepurusu-kun, what is Makako, talk now ... what??Do you have?Taro?tea???If the first from?tea?leaves or?Mao?do you put out! I wonder why Pienro?can't drink the?tea-?filled tama! Then you won't do anything!?stand up!?It's not time to have relaxed?Pichi?Patsu?white swimsuit?-kun! Public?Starring is'll close?practice?Do the!?what??Can't you stand on the?stage???Still?Kabuki?actor?I guess?Peach?John?-kun! To mouth-breathing such complaints?Banterin?is?Sue?... what to hear that Tsu??Isn't it something you can put in your mouth? But dyed?Goro?'m so was a little slow. At least I made his?body?H?IRA?KI and mourned the bodhi ... I'm still breathing!?Do you not stab the stop properly!

32 20/12/22(火)17:44:25 No.757634546

Your face is bright red. What's wrong?

33 20/12/22(火)17:45:58 No.757634912

feel like kabuki

34 20/12/22(火)17:46:44 No.757635094

>Your face is bright red. What's wrong? you ban

35 20/12/22(火)17:46:58 No.757635158


36 20/12/22(火)17:51:25 No.757636193

Today is a pasta day!!! 「」 will eat as much as of pasta of the same numbers!!!

37 20/12/22(火)17:54:06 No.757636891

operation mistake…

38 20/12/22(火)17:55:00 No.757637125

From 3 o'clock Nankotsu Umasugi Festival

39 20/12/22(火)17:55:49 No.757637352

behind the bookshelf there are many of mouse eggs

40 20/12/22(火)17:56:01 No.757637397

H H H e e e y y y He will dead

41 20/12/22(火)17:59:16 No.757638255

>「」 will eat as much as of pasta of the same numbers!!! OK... I'll eat oden.

42 20/12/22(火)18:00:48 No.757638717

>behind the bookshelf there are many of mouse eggs Mouses are a marmmal. They don't lay an egg.

43 20/12/22(火)18:01:25 No.757638890


44 20/12/22(火)18:03:17 No.757639385

>OK... >I'll eat oden. OK!! Here is a 55kg of radish oden!!

45 20/12/22(火)18:04:39 No.757639720

>I'll eat oden. One Piece #96 I Am Oden, And I Was Born To...

46 20/12/22(火)18:05:42 No.757639982

>OK!! Here is a 55kg of radish oden!! no way!

47 20/12/22(火)18:20:00 No.757643597


48 20/12/22(火)18:25:48 No.757645019

「」 is hage.

49 20/12/22(火)18:27:54 No.757645558

>fack Oh! miss spell! fuck you
