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20/12/06(日)22:29:10 素敵だ... のスレッド詳細

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20/12/06(日)22:29:10 No.752801106

素敵だね 歌:RIKKI 作詞:野島一成 作曲:植松伸夫 The heart that swam to the words the wind brought Reluctantly waiting for tomorrow Hearts trembling in the mirror where the moon shakes Soft, gentle reflexes with which the stars flowed Lovely, if we could walk hand in hand I want to go to your townhouse in your arms Looking at the breastplate with eyes wide open The wind stops and the words are a gentle phantom Clouds break and tomorrow is a distant voice The heart that flowed through the mirror where the moon shines Can't hide behind the stars It would be nice if we could walk hand in hand I want to go to your townhouse in your arms Dreaming of melting in the morning with its face shaken softly

1 20/12/06(日)22:46:49 No.752808454

