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20/11/02(月)21:01:42 No.742662100
The wind speaks
1 20/11/02(月)21:02:13 No.742662266
2 20/11/02(月)21:02:50 No.742662476
too much delisious...
3 20/11/02(月)21:02:57 No.742662526
4 20/11/02(月)21:03:06 No.742662583
too delicious...
5 20/11/02(月)21:03:58 No.742662867
hundred thousand stone
6 20/11/02(月)21:04:20 No.742663008
Saitama souvenir candy
7 20/11/02(月)21:07:59 No.742664205
8 20/11/02(月)21:09:27 No.742664701
9 20/11/02(月)21:26:29 No.742670722
this is saitama famous dessert.
10 20/11/02(月)21:32:13 No.742672713
I know that sweets well. But, I have never eaten this before.
11 20/11/02(月)21:50:52 No.742679235
My grandmother’s favorite sweet...
12 20/11/02(月)21:52:06 No.742679679
one hundred thousand dollars bean jam bun