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20/06/17(水)19:57:07 Delicious のスレッド詳細

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20/06/17(水)19:57:07 No.700452572


1 20/06/17(水)19:57:55 No.700452855


2 20/06/17(水)19:58:17 No.700452987

Too delicious

3 20/06/17(水)20:02:48 No.700454611

所詮は高崎線沿線にしか勢力を維持できない駄菓子よ 埼玉No.1は福蔵これ最強

4 20/06/17(水)20:03:13 No.700454756

The wind whispers that...

5 20/06/17(水)20:04:18 No.700455116

>所詮は高崎線沿線にしか勢力を維持できない駄菓子よ >埼玉No.1は福蔵これ最強 What? Could you talk in English?

6 20/06/17(水)20:05:19 No.700455472

SAITAMA Famous confectionery

7 20/06/17(水)20:05:25 No.700455507

うまい うますぎる

8 20/06/17(水)20:05:29 No.700455528


9 20/06/17(水)20:05:46 No.700455617

>The wind whispers that... >Delicious >Too delicious

10 20/06/17(水)20:05:50 No.700455641

saitama maker

11 20/06/17(水)20:06:50 No.700455957

Umai,very umai.

12 20/06/17(水)20:06:50 No.700455959

Talk with the wind

13 20/06/17(水)20:06:57 No.700455987

what's this?

14 20/06/17(水)20:08:19 No.700456488

>what's this? one hundred thousand man Jew

15 20/06/17(水)20:08:38 No.700456593

Hundred thousand stone ten thousand ten

16 20/06/17(水)20:09:31 No.700456884


17 20/06/17(水)20:10:39 No.700457281

hundred thousand stone manjyu

18 20/06/17(水)20:11:06 No.700457407

>中身何?チョコ味とか抹茶味ある? bean jam

19 20/06/17(水)20:14:47 No.700458703

Gone with the wind

20 20/06/17(水)20:15:20 No.700458893

This manju is one tenth of that of Ishikawa

21 20/06/17(水)20:15:54 No.700459093

>bean jam 言われてみればそうだけどbean jamって言うんだ…

22 20/06/17(水)20:16:37 No.700459322

>Talk with the wind They seem to be King crimson's lyrics and I like this.

23 20/06/17(水)20:16:40 No.700459335

Most of Saitamanese have not eaten it

24 20/06/17(水)20:17:45 No.700459690

語掛是風 美味 過美味

25 20/06/17(水)20:18:38 No.700459993


26 20/06/17(水)20:19:48 No.700460409

>埼玉銘菓らしいが埼玉県産の原材料が一切ないのが埼玉らしい 北海道産なんだよな

27 20/06/17(水)20:19:59 No.700460475

Psi-tama maker one million stones

28 20/06/17(水)20:20:11 No.700460554

~♪(Japanese Traditional Horn sound)

29 20/06/17(水)20:20:45 No.700460779

saitaman have proficiency in English

30 20/06/17(水)20:21:03 No.700460909

I from Saitama City but, I dont eat that

31 20/06/17(水)20:21:30 No.700461106

五家宝も一応埼玉銘菓なのか なんかコアな人気がある

32 20/06/17(水)20:23:28 No.700461860


33 20/06/17(水)20:23:34 No.700461897

Da Saitama

34 20/06/17(水)20:23:35 No.700461910

Delicious! Wonderfull Be absorbed, "KOSSARI".

35 20/06/17(水)20:23:35 No.700461912

I havent eat Jewelry of Saika

36 20/06/17(水)20:23:48 No.700462009


37 20/06/17(水)20:24:26 No.700462268

As a gift of headland ball, I prefer leek soybean paste rice cracker than ten thousand stone sweet bun.

38 20/06/17(水)20:25:01 No.700462476


39 20/06/17(水)20:25:51 No.700462773


40 20/06/17(水)20:26:12 No.700462927

>宝石みたいなお菓子はなんて名前だっけ… 彩華の宝石?

41 20/06/17(水)20:28:36 No.700463852

埼玉のお土産はお酒がいいな イチローズモルト…

42 20/06/17(水)20:30:11 No.700464429

>leek soybean paste rice cracker I like it

43 20/06/17(水)20:31:52 No.700465016

Saitama maker The hundred thousand stone manjyu.

44 20/06/17(水)20:33:43 No.700465703


45 20/06/17(水)20:37:59 No.700467323

Sayama tea…Soka Senbay…Hundred Thousand Manju…Jewelry of Saika… I haven't eat…I am 30th in Saitama

46 20/06/17(水)20:39:57 No.700468110

five family treasure...

47 20/06/17(水)20:43:01 No.700469336


48 20/06/17(水)20:45:46 No.700470383


49 20/06/17(水)20:47:37 No.700471086

Whats the mean of‘‘Jumangoku‘‘ ?

50 20/06/17(水)20:48:49 No.700471586

>Whats the mean of‘‘Jumangoku‘‘ ? many many rice

51 20/06/17(水)20:49:21 No.700471790


52 20/06/17(水)20:52:57 No.700473150

