20/02/02(日)00:31:06 キタ━━━━━... のスレッド詳細
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画像ファイル名:1580571066476.jpg 20/02/02(日)00:31:06 No.659695375
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
1 20/02/02(日)00:31:23 No.659695461
2 20/02/02(日)00:32:39 No.659695871
3 20/02/02(日)00:36:43 No.659697216
Heading for third is Terence Long. The throw by Ichiro! Beautiful peg! He got him! Holy smoker laser beam strike from Ichiro to the third baseman David Bell! And Terence Long is gunned down at third base.