20/01/13(月)18:36:50 Directi... のスレッド詳細
削除依頼やバグ報告は メールフォーム にお願いします。個人情報、名誉毀損、侵害等については積極的に削除しますので、 メールフォーム より該当URLをご連絡いただけると助かります。
20/01/13(月)18:36:50 No.654578533
Directions : For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Now listen to the four statements. A)Futaba-chan is a new bulletin board. B)The identity of the gentleman is unknown. C)Please come back in three days. It's 100 times. D)Today is the festival, therefore forgive, ... Go on to the next page.
1 20/01/13(月)18:41:47 No.654579775
2 20/01/13(月)18:48:34 No.654581583
umami way.
3 20/01/13(月)18:54:46 No.654583326
Please! If the thread manager is appropriate, delete this thread! Next, post on a safe topic without touching moral issues Please understand that some people do not like this story
4 20/01/13(月)18:57:02 No.654583890
Mr. PNP, you're here. ...
5 20/01/13(月)18:58:14 No.654584192
6 20/01/13(月)19:01:17 No.654584976
wwwwwww.o゚(^∀^)゚o.。Jeans are too blue!
7 20/01/13(月)19:01:53 No.654585115
quiet… i'll forgive you…
8 20/01/13(月)19:05:24 No.654586056
a thread made by a mentally disabled person Mental Disorders Praising Him
9 20/01/13(月)19:08:06 No.654586765
10 20/01/13(月)19:20:02 No.654590072
it's just like TOEIC lolw
11 20/01/13(月)19:23:10 No.654591081
>BANG >THUD it's like mr.bando lol