19/10/30(水)08:25:44 Gon のスレッド詳細
削除依頼やバグ報告は メールフォーム にお願いします。個人情報、名誉毀損、侵害等については積極的に削除しますので、 メールフォーム より該当URLをご連絡いただけると助かります。
19/10/30(水)08:25:44 No.634713146
1 19/10/30(水)08:26:47 No.634713249
Gon the Jungle Fury
2 19/10/30(水)08:27:17 No.634713291
3 19/10/30(水)08:27:57 No.634713382
4 19/10/30(水)08:29:26 No.634713520
gon...omae datanoka
5 19/10/30(水)08:41:38 No.634714821
>>>>>>>>BURRN! >>>>>>>DOSA! >>>>>>Like Mr.Bandou w >>>>>>Eiji Bandou!Eiji Bandou! >>>>>It's not Bandow!! >>>>Who was explaining this baseball? “Oh, do n’t give a great comment to the talent!” >>>He is a former professional baseball player w >>He was the first pitcher to hit a running home run in an all-star match >Bandou...It was you >When he retired, he criticized Mr. Mizuhara, director of the then Dragons...
6 19/10/30(水)09:17:59 No.634718794
7 19/10/30(水)09:23:48 No.634719434
8 19/10/30(水)09:29:37 No.634720075
>Eiji Bandou!Eiji Bandou! There is no such response lol