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19/10/13(日)05:58:39 That&#0... のスレッド詳細

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19/10/13(日)05:58:39 No.630138414

That's a pussy cat GOROGORO! A pussy cat GOROGORO, isn't it! I do like GOROGORO, too. That had made me so warming, so happy. First, it made by the key person who Hajime Niboshi, the scenario writer! And, the director Nekoyanagi who cooked the story well. They made a fantasic and the pastoral world… The acting by The Doll Actors "Futami-za" is so great! GOROGORO has at 15min on air, but more than 2000 times broadcasted. Specially, I do love the story GOROGORO goes the space on airship...

1 19/10/13(日)05:59:59 No.630138480


2 19/10/13(日)06:02:59 No.630138653

