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imgはア... のスレッド詳細

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18/08/17(金)23:47:35 No.526785679


1 18/08/17(金)23:49:22 No.526786128

>imgはアメリカンだよな Blow it out your ass.

2 18/08/17(金)23:50:12 No.526786384

dont think just feel

3 18/08/17(金)23:51:17 No.526786648

>Blow it out your ass. I respect your opinion.

4 18/08/17(金)23:51:20 No.526786657


5 18/08/17(金)23:52:17 No.526786899


6 18/08/17(金)23:52:18 No.526786905


7 18/08/17(金)23:53:38 No.526787244

u r really an ass.

8 18/08/17(金)23:53:46 No.526787275

>俺もほんとはユーロピアンなんだけど思考回路がシンプルで無駄のないヤンキー達に不快感を与えないように色々と気を使ってやらないといけないからさ… ここで左の対応するとBlow it out your assされちゃうからね...

9 18/08/17(金)23:55:03 No.526787554

Shut the hell up u idiot

10 18/08/17(金)23:55:05 No.526787562


11 18/08/17(金)23:56:43 No.526787936


12 18/08/17(金)23:58:13 No.526788301

>レスポンチバトルしてID出されても嫌だし… バトルしなきゃいいだけじゃん! 相手がけおりだしたら駄目だけど

13 18/08/18(土)00:01:24 No.526789046

its bothersome to argue with someone logically. why should i do such a silly thing...

14 18/08/18(土)00:05:02 No.526789827

you fool

15 18/08/18(土)00:07:31 No.526790410

shut up old fag.

16 18/08/18(土)00:09:57 No.526791049


17 18/08/18(土)00:13:23 No.526791937

u suck

18 18/08/18(土)00:14:25 No.526792202


19 18/08/18(土)00:18:22 No.526793218

mother fucker

20 18/08/18(土)00:22:39 No.526794378

Hail to king,baby!

21 18/08/18(土)00:23:09 No.526794512

Let me explain why.To begin with, Ochimpo. It looks like chinko on the surface, but deeply it means Ochin chin.Firstly unko and secondly oshicko. Taking all this into consideration, It's Openis....

22 18/08/18(土)00:25:20 No.526795007

Shut ur mouse asshole

23 18/08/18(土)00:25:54 No.526795135

>Shut ur mouse asshole lol this guy need education.

24 18/08/18(土)00:26:49 No.526795349


25 18/08/18(土)00:30:17 No.526796080

>どうして罵倒ばっか言えるの 言われるからじゃない

26 18/08/18(土)00:31:20 No.526796352

>lol this guy need education. are you illiterate lol?

27 18/08/18(土)00:32:43 No.526796680

>言われるからじゃない よくお分かりで

28 18/08/18(土)00:34:58 No.526797221

>are you illiterate lol? are u sure?

29 18/08/18(土)00:36:05 No.526797547

no I'm Central Asia

30 18/08/18(土)00:37:14 No.526797800

stfu kid

31 18/08/18(土)00:40:51 No.526798729

a third-person singular noun or pronoun needs to add s to verbs. even kindergarteners know.