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18/08/05(日)17:20:04 キタ━━━━━... のスレッド詳細

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18/08/05(日)17:20:04 No.523881289

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

1 18/08/05(日)17:32:01 No.523883475

fuck off

2 18/08/05(日)17:38:47 No.523884809

Don't melt in public!

3 18/08/05(日)17:40:36 No.523885152

unko smelting?

4 18/08/05(日)17:42:47 No.523885608

You aren't my friend

5 18/08/05(日)17:47:18 No.523886529

You suck.

6 18/08/05(日)17:47:48 No.523886628

You? Me too!!

7 18/08/05(日)17:48:18 No.523886736

Nobody loves you.

8 18/08/05(日)17:51:16 No.523887326

>Don't melt in public! Huh? that's personal freedom...

9 18/08/05(日)17:52:15 No.523887593

>Don't melt in public! What's!! It's Individual selfish!!

10 18/08/05(日)18:00:52 No.523889453

This must be a dream

11 18/08/05(日)18:02:01 No.523889702


12 18/08/05(日)18:03:55 No.523890100

My shit is feel so good

13 18/08/05(日)18:04:45 No.523890267

>Shit! Yes, This is shit.

14 18/08/05(日)18:05:15 No.523890362

>Yes, This is shit. No. It's poops.

15 18/08/05(日)18:05:22 No.523890389

>>Shit! >Yes, This is shit. no, i don't mean that way...

16 18/08/05(日)18:05:44 No.523890467

shit can eating because shit has nutrition

17 18/08/05(日)18:06:27 No.523890607

My shit is yammy

18 18/08/05(日)18:06:55 No.523890704

>shit can eating because shit has nutrition You brilliant...

19 18/08/05(日)18:07:35 No.523890868

unko in public is forbidden !

20 18/08/05(日)18:08:14 No.523891009

Dear my friend. I'm unko. bye

21 18/08/05(日)18:08:17 No.523891019

this thread is stink!!

22 18/08/05(日)18:08:32 No.523891072

>shit can eating because shit has nutrition It's only plants...

23 18/08/05(日)18:09:10 No.523891210

>My shit is yammy Mine is so bitter... Could you tell me how to make it yammy?

24 18/08/05(日)18:09:20 No.523891251

Fucking good smell!

25 18/08/05(日)18:09:45 No.523891325

I want to pretty girls shit

26 18/08/05(日)18:09:46 No.523891326

why do img people love unko so much?

27 18/08/05(日)18:10:13 No.523891428

why not?

28 18/08/05(日)18:11:45 No.523891774

>this thread is stink!! You misunderstand. I stink.

29 18/08/05(日)18:13:46 No.523892200

>Could you tell me how to make it yammy? Chocolates browny enema.

30 18/08/05(日)18:17:40 No.523893026

that's all
