18/07/08(日)15:35:32 Monday のスレッド詳細
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画像ファイル名:1531031732159.png 18/07/08(日)15:35:32 No.517307989
1 18/07/08(日)15:35:52 No.517308048
2 18/07/08(日)15:37:06 No.517308291
3 18/07/08(日)15:38:24 No.517308566
4 18/07/08(日)15:39:40 No.517308831
I’m gonna sing to you boss
5 18/07/08(日)15:40:22 No.517308973
Shut up Tamaki!!
6 18/07/08(日)15:54:24 No.517311954
The truth is I want to cry, I'm more scared than anyone My heart is really this fragile No matter how many tears I shed, why can't I change even though I want to? Ah, even though I finally realized my feelings Even though I might lose sight of them I'll bring them back, hey, I can be a little stronger I'll try to believe that, even though I'm me
7 18/07/08(日)15:56:58 No.517312465