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18/05/12(土)08:11:23 Sutarda... のスレッド詳細

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18/05/12(土)08:11:23 No.504068376

Sutarday morning in... TOUGH・Sured !

1 18/05/12(土)08:12:54 No.504068499

>Sured show me your penis

2 18/05/12(土)08:13:12 No.504068516

Everday TOUGH・SURE... They are kuso ssu

3 18/05/12(土)08:13:25 No.504068534

怒らないでくださいね Threadじゃないですか

4 18/05/12(土)08:14:17 No.504068621

怒らないでくださいね 「」ネ・モブなんかに英語ができるわけないじゃないですか

5 18/05/12(土)08:14:18 No.504068625


6 18/05/12(土)08:15:09 No.504068698

Go! Son of a bitch!

7 18/05/12(土)08:15:31 No.504068727

Is it a joke ? This maggot is so funny

8 18/05/12(土)08:15:52 No.504068754

サタデーのつづりも違うっス 正しくはSuturdayっス

9 18/05/12(土)08:16:22 No.504068787

Pig girl biyond Pig girl

10 18/05/12(土)08:17:15 No.504068861

I'd like to eat a stake that cooked "rare"...

11 18/05/12(土)08:17:56 No.504068918

Mogura-san is dead!

12 18/05/12(土)08:17:56 No.504068919

I like boy(nu

13 18/05/12(土)08:18:30 No.504068975

>I like boy(nu stooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop

14 18/05/12(土)08:19:05 No.504069023

Pomeranian"s student have a sad memory...

15 18/05/12(土)08:19:27 No.504069061

my name is SUPER EAGLE

16 18/05/12(土)08:20:44 No.504069154


17 18/05/12(土)08:21:30 No.504069212

If I am change the KIRYUU I cut my KEIDOUMYAKU!

18 18/05/12(土)08:22:32 No.504069299

Pomeranian can't understand lion's feeling!

19 18/05/12(土)08:24:25 No.504069442

Legend like a color! My fight is great = my chinpo is great!

20 18/05/12(土)08:25:55 No.504069568

But low English ability

21 18/05/12(土)08:27:20 No.504069683

Oh You are very fool and nothing good at

22 18/05/12(土)08:27:25 No.504069688

>サタデーのつづりも違うっス >正しくはSaturdayっス

23 18/05/12(土)08:27:30 No.504069698

Monkey teacher thinking a nothing

24 18/05/12(土)08:27:54 No.504069728

I think Mr.Monkey thought nothing

25 18/05/12(土)08:28:22 No.504069764

You Monkey Fucking

26 18/05/12(土)08:28:23 No.504069766


27 18/05/12(土)08:28:46 No.504069809

My name is Son-ou

28 18/05/12(土)08:29:40 No.504069892

Your sister's manko is so good buhehehe

29 18/05/12(土)08:30:28 No.504069962

*Bullet Slide

30 18/05/12(土)08:30:55 No.504070011

KIRYUU go to the dabi

31 18/05/12(土)08:32:40 No.504070175

Little heri of the Souprex!

32 18/05/12(土)08:33:44 No.504070265

I couldn't forgive that Kiichi is Kiryu's son!

33 18/05/12(土)08:34:10 No.504070305

I want to have steak soon

34 18/05/12(土)08:34:49 No.504070351

Many many Sinjas is coming here

35 18/05/12(土)08:35:06 No.504070374

My name is Son O

36 18/05/12(土)08:35:38 No.504070423

Japanese mafia is no rule

37 18/05/12(土)08:40:51 No.504070937

Can I become stronger than you?

38 18/05/12(土)08:41:30 No.504071001

Yes ! you can! nikoniko

39 18/05/12(土)08:42:01 No.504071047


40 18/05/12(土)08:43:21 No.504071169

UGAAAAAAA ! (Big pc fonts)

41 18/05/12(土)08:46:28 No.504071480

Yatsu is no KITAN IKEN ssu

42 18/05/12(土)08:55:30 No.504072406

Char! Cobra-sword!

43 18/05/12(土)08:57:43 No.504072633

Through the Komodo Dragun!

44 18/05/12(土)08:57:53 No.504072652

UWAAAA KIRYU is neri-walking on the rouka!

45 18/05/12(土)08:58:36 No.504072724

Yakuza is scared SU of Yappa

46 18/05/12(土)09:03:34 No.504073219

Nothing KITAN talk ssu

47 18/05/12(土)09:06:52 No.504073612

Kamo come here with negi guhehehe

48 18/05/12(土)09:10:09 No.504073952

怒らないでくださいね ほぼローマ字読みか創作英語じゃないですか

49 18/05/12(土)09:10:10 No.504073955

読み辛いっス 忌憚のない意見って奴っス

50 18/05/12(土)09:11:25 No.504074105

Who is tafu

51 18/05/12(土)09:15:46 No.504074624

this is rainbow train

52 18/05/12(土)09:36:11 No.504076793

>怒らないでくださいね >ほぼローマ字読みか創作英語じゃないですか Still if you have complaints you will fight at any time,

53 18/05/12(土)09:39:45 No.504077187

kobura swoooordo
