17/12/31(日)05:36:47 8chan i... のスレッド詳細
削除依頼やバグ報告は メールフォーム にお願いします。個人情報、名誉毀損、侵害等については積極的に削除しますので、 メールフォーム より該当URLをご連絡いただけると助かります。
17/12/31(日)05:36:47 No.475310836
8chan is nice site. Let 「」 comes too once. If you can read English, you will enjoy "four times much" than futaba channel(2chan).
1 17/12/31(日)05:40:14 No.475310960
I’ll never forget one girl who screamed “I LOVE 4CHAN!!!” ...when I’m killing time to see futaba’s ‘nijiura’...
2 17/12/31(日)05:41:29 No.475311017
eigo wakaranai kara muri.
3 17/12/31(日)05:43:33 No.475311095
sonna koto iwa naide
4 17/12/31(日)05:43:36 No.475311099
I’d known that party made your feelings bored... I’d known that you might say something... but why did you scream and pointing with me...? I’ll never forget that sh*t...
5 17/12/31(日)05:50:41 No.475311346
wow... that’s creepy... https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/8chan
6 17/12/31(日)06:05:45 No.475311910
>If you can read English, you will enjoy "four times much" than futaba channel(2chan). umai koto itta tsumori ka?
7 17/12/31(日)06:06:26 No.475311940
nanda America no ototake-san ka... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fredrick_Brennan
8 17/12/31(日)06:13:12 No.475312216
fuck you! ...fuck you fuck you! fuck you!!
9 17/12/31(日)06:14:44 No.475312278
100 times after 3 days never ever forgive
10 17/12/31(日)06:19:01 No.475312472
kiss my ass racist scum
11 17/12/31(日)06:22:38 No.475312627
>OwnerJim Watkins, >N.T. Technology (2channel) nande…? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8chan
12 17/12/31(日)06:22:50 No.475312636
>https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/8chan >Notable boards wow condensed hell
13 17/12/31(日)06:23:30 No.475312668
8...infinite chan!
14 17/12/31(日)06:23:55 No.475312696
15 17/12/31(日)06:40:49 No.475313382
4-chan tte four-chan ja nakute yon-chan nano?
16 17/12/31(日)06:53:33 No.475313912
>4-chan tte four-chan ja nakute yon-chan nano? tabun sou dakedo hito ni yotte chigau kara 「」no yobikata wo daremo shiranai noto issyo yo...
17 17/12/31(日)07:02:56 No.475314336
still im not sure what is 8 chan...
18 17/12/31(日)07:03:18 No.475314359
anyway lets fap!
19 17/12/31(日)07:05:22 No.475314470
You will be dead when you said "imoge" next time, OK?
20 17/12/31(日)07:06:36 No.475314529
take it easy,Toshy
21 17/12/31(日)07:11:22 No.475314767
really disgusting...I am...also Nontan...
22 17/12/31(日)07:20:20 No.475315182
dont call me toshy!
23 17/12/31(日)07:37:25 No.475316105
8chan's owner JIM,he owned 5chan (ex tubo) and homorape's fucker. homorape and JIM was very best troll hundler friends. they are fucking hell fat cat
24 17/12/31(日)07:47:37 No.475316690
why 4 times? two-two, four. its twice?
25 17/12/31(日)08:00:26 No.475317494
Futatsu de jubun desuyo!
26 17/12/31(日)08:03:07 No.475317699
Hara's number is 8.
27 17/12/31(日)08:07:05 No.475318007
Do 8chan have Hebe board?
28 17/12/31(日)08:10:27 No.475318296
fack you
29 17/12/31(日)08:15:48 No.475318717
fap you
30 17/12/31(日)08:20:42 No.475319091
you raped me
31 17/12/31(日)08:27:07 No.475319699
pussy iutemo eeyo