17/09/05(火)03:13:51 arai-sa... のスレッド詳細
削除依頼やバグ報告は メールフォーム にお願いします。個人情報、名誉毀損、侵害等については積極的に削除しますので、 メールフォーム より該当URLをご連絡いただけると助かります。
17/09/05(火)03:13:51 No.450891859
arai-san ha kasikoi noda
1 17/09/05(火)03:16:56 No.450892040
2 17/09/05(火)03:21:30 No.450892282
3 17/09/05(火)03:22:07 No.450892318
4 17/09/05(火)03:25:00 No.450892461
5 17/09/05(火)03:27:53 No.450892594
6 17/09/05(火)03:36:08 No.450892998
Leave it with Arai-san nanoda. Go straight there, and go right along nanoda.
7 17/09/05(火)03:38:57 No.450893140
Wooow! Hi there! Welcome to Japari Cafe. Come on in! Make youeselves at home! Gosh, I've been waiting so long. Finally, some customers! I'm so happy! So, what'll you have? We have lots to choose from. This is called "black tea." The Professor taught me that! Hot water comes out of here, so you use that, and... [ Excuse me, ] Hmm? [ but we're looking for a place to charge our battery... ] So you're not customers... Ptoooo!!! [ I'm so sorry!! ]
8 17/09/05(火)03:43:11 No.450893348
9 17/09/05(火)03:44:51 No.450893437
>Leave it with Arai-san nanoda. >Leave it to ~のが近くね?
10 17/09/05(火)03:53:05 No.450893841
>Leave it to ~のが近くね? なんか知恵袋で使わないって言ってる人いるけど どっちも同じ意味で使うよ
11 17/09/05(火)03:54:51 No.450893922
アライさんってパッと見だとイギリスじんっぽいし つい英語で話しかけちゃうじゃん
12 17/09/05(火)03:58:13 No.450894065
あ、そゆことか そもそもLeave it to Arai-sanが海外で定型になってたのか