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Tell me... のスレッド詳細

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23/11/19(日)08:40:52 No.1125771892

Tell me why

1 23/11/19(日)08:45:08 No.1125772906

ain't nothing but a heartache

2 23/11/19(日)08:50:54 No.1125774351

show me the way to you (ヘビメタ‐)

3 23/11/19(日)08:53:16 No.1125774909


4 23/11/19(日)08:54:15 No.1125775101


5 23/11/19(日)08:56:53 No.1125775840

誰か 背中抱いててくれ

6 23/11/19(日)08:58:07 No.1125776085

That's an interesting question from a bear! Weapons are used for a variety of reasons. Humans have historically used weapons for hunting, self defense, and territorial disputes. Here are some of the common reasons (1) Hunting (2) Self-defense (3) War (4) Political influenc (5) Cultural elements However, the use of weapons requires prudence. Ethical considerations, laws, and the preservation of peace must be taken into account. Technological advances also tend to emphasize non-lethal means and solutions through dialogue.

7 23/11/19(日)08:59:09 No.1125776351


8 23/11/19(日)09:08:34 No.1125778573

