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23/10/15(日)00:38:38 スシ食... のスレッド詳細

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23/10/15(日)00:38:38 No.1112679815


1 23/10/15(日)01:16:28 No.1112694302

TORO is Medium toro, AJI is the taste ANAGO, Sweet EBI, Shaco is a garage Bird Shell, Red Shell, Look Shell,BAKA Shell, KATSUO is a SAZAE's Brother, How much? IKURA This Sushi Bar is the Best of ALL JAPAN Sushi Kuinei, Sushi Kuinei「○×△◎□、!!」 Ah green tea 〃 A ginger 〃 〃 Ah green tea 〃 A ginger 〃 〃
