虹裏img歴史資料館 - imgの文化を学ぶ


  • iOSアプリ 虹ぶら AppStoreで無料配布中
  • >当時大... のスレッド詳細

    削除依頼やバグ報告はメールフォームにお願いします。 個人情報,名誉毀損,侵害等について積極的に削除しますので、メールフォームより該当URLをご連絡いただけると助かります

    23/08/20(日)11:39:25 No.1092469641


    1 23/08/20(日)11:44:54 No.1092471360


    2 23/08/20(日)11:45:22 No.1092471511

    >テキスト確認いいですか? Finally got to visit that harbor specializing in Gunkan Suships that I've been curious about for a while! The premium "Shari" here is limited to 2000 Suships a year, and uses specially developed smooth aged rice, giving it extra boldness not found anywhere else. The classy atmosphere made my heart sing, too. The Gunkan Suship served had a perfect balance of vinegar, nigiri, shine, and shape, demonstrating exquisite artisanship. The owner told me, "We are introducing rich yet mellow scented EDO-FRONT red vinegar in the near future," which I'm really looking forward to. However, I was disappointed the surrounding seas were a little noisy... so, giving it 4 stars with hope for improvements in the future.

    3 23/08/20(日)11:46:07 No.1092471757

    >>テキスト確認いいですか? >Finally got to visit that harbor specializing in Gunkan Suships that I've been curious about for a while! The premium "Shari" here is limited to 2000 Suships a year, and uses specially developed smooth aged rice, giving it extra boldness not found anywhere else. The classy atmosphere made my heart sing, too. The Gunkan Suship served had a perfect balance of vinegar, nigiri, shine, and shape, demonstrating exquisite artisanship. The owner told me, "We are introducing rich yet mellow scented EDO-FRONT red vinegar in the near future," which I'm really looking forward to. However, I was disappointed the surrounding seas were a little noisy... so, giving it 4 stars with hope for improvements in the future. ありがとうございます

    4 23/08/20(日)11:49:50 No.1092472883


    5 23/08/20(日)11:50:32 No.1092473114

    >そんなに大騒ぎになったの? 平日の昼なのに完走ラッシュしてた

    6 23/08/20(日)11:50:56 No.1092473249

    >平日の昼なのに完走ラッシュしてた 当時のログ見たいけど残ってないだろうなあ

    7 23/08/20(日)11:54:45 No.1092474429


    8 23/08/20(日)12:07:19 No.1092478700

    一日中スレ立ってたね… 自分もちょっとの間復帰するくらいには衝撃だった

    9 23/08/20(日)12:13:45 No.1092480876


    10 23/08/20(日)12:51:19 No.1092494916
