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  • キタ━━━━━... のスレッド詳細

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    23/05/04(木)19:40:25 No.1053761756

    キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

    1 23/05/04(木)19:42:45 No.1053762608

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    2 23/05/04(木)19:43:52 No.1053763064


    3 23/05/04(木)19:45:38 No.1053763732


    4 23/05/04(木)19:47:21 No.1053764402

    May the peace of God be with you and your family. I know it will be a great surprise reading from me today but consider this a divine intervention as a pastor explained to my understanding. My name is Mrs Lidia Horna, a widow from Oklahoma USA and am writing you from my sick bed because I have been fighting cancer and the doctors says i have only few weeks left. I want to entrust my money ($8.5million USD) to your care for charity purposes to help the less privileged as my late husbands relatives want me dead so that they will claim all my late husband and i worked for. I will tell you more about myself and what you need to do with the money once your receive it.Please write me soon as my health is pretty bad and my doctors says i will be moved to the intensive care unit anytime soon. Have a blessed day and please do pray for me. God bless you. Yours Mrs Lidia Horna