23/04/17(月)08:39:57 No.1048013846
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
1 23/04/17(月)08:42:27 No.1048014257
day after day
2 23/04/17(月)08:44:39 No.1048014604
your homme lifes a wreck
3 23/04/17(月)08:48:29 No.1048015209
The powers that be just breathe down your neck
4 23/04/17(月)08:50:42 No.1048015586
You get no respect
5 23/04/17(月)09:29:09 No.1048021599
You get no relief
6 23/04/17(月)10:56:57 No.1048036104
You gotta speak up and yell out your piece