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22/12/15(木)06:10:30 キタ━━━━━... のスレッド詳細

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22/12/15(木)06:10:30 No.1004191731

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

1 22/12/15(木)06:19:39 No.1004192158


2 22/12/15(木)07:14:38 No.1004195708


3 22/12/15(木)07:16:45 No.1004195868


4 22/12/15(木)07:17:39 No.1004195936


5 <a href="mailto:pete_ohara">22/12/15(木)07:23:39</a> [pete_ohara] No.1004196486

調べてみました! “Magic iceshrooms” Winter is one of the best times to shoot. The frigid temperatures bring all kinds of unique formations. We stumbled upon this frozen mushroom feature the other night and had to go back last night for another sunset skate and shoot at blue hour. よくわかりませんでした… 因みCanadian Rockiesだとか

6 22/12/15(木)07:26:37 No.1004196774

なるほど It’s on our Reservoir and I think the water levels receded a bit and so left a bit of frozen ice on top of the stump
